10 Tips for Increasing Your Homes Value in Today’s Market

In today’s heated real estate market, everyone is looking for ways to make their home stand out in a crowded field. Increasing a home’s value should be a top priority to any homeowner — after all, you never know when you might be given an offer you can’t refuse! Utilize these tips to help your home compete in today’s fierce housing market.

1. Utilize Social Media for Inspiration

Looking At Social Media
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Don’t be afraid to use social media to inspire potential remodeling designs. However, be wary of following current trends too enthusiastically! Remember that any trendy things you do now will be outdated in five to ten years. Consider staying “classic” in design if upgrading your kitchens and bathrooms since trendy remodels will seem outdated in a few years. If you must follow the latest design cues, consider containing it in one specific, smaller room.

2. Give Everything a Fresh Coat of Paint

Painting Walls SS
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Here’s a dirty secret of home improvement: All walls can use a fresh coat of paint. The single easiest, cheapest way to increase your home’s value is to grab a paintbrush and get to work! You’ll get bonus points from appraisers and potential buyers alike if it’s clear you put effort into the walls and ceilings of your home.

3. Upgrade the Kitchen

Upgraded Kitchen
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Surprisingly, most potential home buyers report they often gauge the quality of the entire home solely by the condition of the kitchen. If you haven’t updated your kitchen appliances or cabinetry in decades, it’s time to upgrade to the newest stainless steel machines and custom-built cabinets. With many companies specializing in kitchen remodeling, you won’t have to take on this project alone!

4. Get Rid of Popcorn Ceilings

Removing Popcorn Ceilings
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Homebuyers agree: popcorn ceilings are better off left in the 1990s where they belong. Potential buyers’ eyes always drift toward the ceiling when touring a prospective home, and popcorn ceilings are a definite turnoff in the current real estate landscape. Fortunately, replacing popcorn ceiling is one of the most inexpensive ways to increase your home’s value!

5. Add Energy-Efficient Appliances and Fixtures

Energy Efficeint Appliances
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In 2023, being responsible regarding energy use is high on the list for many homebuyers. Investing in minor, thoughtful upgrades like replacing old light fixtures with LED bulbs and investing in high-efficiency washers and dryers will go a long way toward being mindful of the environmental impact. In addition, it also positively impacts your monthly utility bills.

6. Ensure All Maintenance is Up-To-Date

Maintenance Up To Date On House
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When was the last time your home was inspected? When was the last time your air conditioning unit was serviced? What condition is your roof in? These questions matter to prospective buyers, and ensuring your home is up-to-date on its maintenance shows that you put care into it over the years, which is a fact that will translate into a naturally higher appraisal.

7. Replace Worn Carpets

Removing Old Worn Carpet
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Nothing can turn off a potential buyer more than seeing old, tattered carpets. According to countless people, ripping up all the carpet in a home and replacing it with hardwood floors is one of the best ways to increase the home’s value. Hardwood floors “pop” and add perceived value in a way that carpets can’t.

8. Upgrade the Bathrooms

Upgrade Bathrooms
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It doesn’t matter the size of a bathroom — prospective buyers always appreciate thoughtful upgrades to these spaces. Whether it’s replacing sink fixtures, upgrading a showerhead, or overhauling the entire plumbing system, there isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t love a modern yet timeless bathroom.

9. Increase the Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal
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Homeowners often overlook the exterior and landscaping of their homes when searching for places to upgrade — don’t be that person! The simple addition of shrubs, bushes, and trees goes a long way in increasing curb appeal, while adding modern accents to your home’s facade can make your house seem vastly more expensive than it is.

10. Consult With an Expert

Interior Designer
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Of course, there’s nothing wrong with consulting an expert when considering which upgrades to make that increase the value of your home. Often, exploratory meetings with interior designers or contractors will only cost you approximately $100. These meetings are the ideal way to get a sense of what needs to be done in the home while giving you much-needed insight into how much they’ll cost.

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Upset Women
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Woman With Weight Machine
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Lies Cover Photo Shutterstock
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
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